The Igbo Traditional Wrestling

The Igbo traditional wrestling is a very popular sport in the Igbo community. It is a practice and acknowledgement of skill and strength as well as promotion of indigenous language , culture , norms, values, and traditions by young, physically capable Igbo men. In Igbo Land a man is believed to prove his physical strength when he is able to fight off his aggressors and so wrestling shows strength and courage. Before the wresting season young men who will be competing train for months. A young Man who comes out Victorious in a traditional wrestling is admired and respected by all ,He is seen as a Warrior or a distinguished wrestler.
Traditional Wrestling sometimes are used to settle local dispute and conflict between two Villages .It is also Used to determine the right groom in cases where a young woman has many suitors, in such cases a wrestling match is arranged where all the suitors battle it out and whoever emerges victorious marries the woman .It is also a form of entertainment, usually the chief of the village and his chieftains are seated the villagers gather around the village square too to watch.
Wrestling matches take place in traditional rings ,a ring filled with sand which cushions their fall. A flute boy is present to provide special tunes that stir the heart ,this is believed to give added strength to the weak, spectators are also present to cheer the wrestlers on and encourage them. The winner of the contest takes home a prize.