The Ogun Festival

Ogun festival is an annual festival performed in Ondo state .The festival is a celebration of a god ,Ogun the god of Iron .Ogun is known by the Ondo people as the god of iron , he was a great hunter who was betrayed during his journey in Ire-Ekiti which led to his death, legend has it that Ogun rose from the dead to behead all who betrayed him.
Traditionally Ogun festival is celebrated in late August or early September with sacrifices of Snails , Tortoises and Dogs .It is a time when music fills the air and marches fill the street as people gather to pay respect to their ancestors .Participants are richly dressed with white and blue powder on their faces and masquerades are seen on the street dancing.
The celebration of the Ogun festival will not be complete till the dancers march to the Ogun shrine where dogs are sacrificed ,the priestess performs traditional dances and ritual rites .The worshippers of Ogun believe that observing the Ogun festival brings forth good fortune to the land.